Saturday, September 18, 2021

A note on the schedule.

 As many of you might be well aware, I dropped off the face of the internet for more than a couple of months. While I don't want to get too far into my personal life, I do feel like I owe my readers a little bit of an explanation:

After some chaos around my life, I find myself back in school for an advanced degree. It's a great step for me and will allow me to continue my professional life. However, it means my free time has been utterly obliterated. I still want to post and continue writing quality captions for you all but there are some weeks in which I need to prioritize my education over this blog.

So the new schedule is as follows: When time allows it I will be posting at least once a week. If I have more time, I'll post more. However, there might be moments where I disappear again for a couple of weeks here and there. Know that it's not because I've abandoned the blog but rather I am working on my degree. Hopefully, the schedule allows me to continue to write more stories for you all.

Thank you for understanding,


The Understudy - A Crossdressing Caption